
Photo by Suzamarie Photography http://www.suzamarie.com

Hi! I’m Jeni.  I am a new mom. I’m trying to figure out how to fit everything in my life now that I have a little person that demands so much of my time and attention. I am a working mother, a writer, and I love to create, dream, and cook (my love language is feeding people). I am always looking for new ways to be inspired and am determined to teach my daughter how to live as a creative spirit. It is important to me to grow in my character and in knowledge; I never want to stop learning. Creativity is limitless and I hope my blog inspires you to create, ponder and look around at things you haven’t noticed before. The world is full of quirky magic.


11 Responses to About

  1. Marnie Holsclaw says:

    Hey Jeni,
    Thank you for allowing to read your posts. It is so nice to touch base with you on facebook, but even nicer to get to know another side/talent of yours. I look forward to reading..

  2. yasniger says:

    Its amazing how there is a story in everything we experience, isn’t it? You appear to live that assertion & dilligently seem to be putting in all down rather meekly. You asked for my views as a ‘budding’ artist & I would encourage to leave out the tourist in your writings & actually be the resident local for most bits. It is difficult advice to follow, believe me I know! Stories & poems do my bit of telling, still I struggle. You have a gift of indebt perception, embrace it & move up more than a mere flight of stairs. Pardon my forwardness, but there’s more than a commentator in you. Thanks & stay in touch.

    • weelilwimsy says:

      I’m so humbled by your comment. It’s one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. I purpose to move forward (and upward). Your comment put some things into perspective for me; not to sell myself short. I think we owe ourselves at least that…when we are pressing toward our dreams. Thanks so much!

  3. fivereflections says:

    a beautiful space to visit and ponder
    David in Maine USA

  4. Jar Of Salt says:

    In the spirit of fun and blogosphere cheer, I would like to show my appreciation of creative & colorful blogs that brighten my day: http://jarofsalt.com/2012/05/04/paying-it-forward-liebster-blog-award/ 🙂

  5. yasniger says:

    Brace up kiddo, you’re it!
    You’ve been tagged!
    Here are the rules, read them, they are important
    1. You must post the rules.
    2. You must post eleven fun facts about yourself.
    3. You must answer the questions your tagger set for you
    4. You must create eleven questions to ask the people you tag.
    5. Tag eleven people and link them on your post.
    6. Let them know you have tagged them.


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