Too Tired to Create

My head feels like this picture right now. It’s a bit foggy, soggy (like the Pacific NW) and it’s quickly turning sour.I’ve had the desire for some time to hire a life coach for my creativity issues. Instead of spending an exorbitant amount of money, I picked up some books to help. I have been reading “Coaching the Artist Within” by Dr. Eric Maisel   The chapter I read today talked about mental energy and this phenomenon of choosing to be tired with our art.We can find energy for anything in our life EXCEPT when it comes to creating. I have experienced that time and time again. I find when it comes to working on my novel(s) or any other unfinished piece of work, I soon feel tired and lazy. After reading this chapter, I am relieved that this is a normal thing that creativity coaches encounter when working with clients. On the other hand, I struggle to get out of that mind trap and the game I play with myself.

Dr. Maisel’s solution is to begin a process of understanding mental energy. We need it to function in every way. We can exude energy lounging on the couch eating cookies or we can be running a marathon; they both produce the same amount of energy. The key is to understand that negative energy is just as productive as positive energy, but in the opposite direction.

I have never looked at my own habit as negative, rather, I have chosen to accept it as a fleeting thought. The solution lies in changing my thought patterns and telling myself I want to create. I need to find the key to falling in love with my creativity again. I need to have a passionate love affair with my art if I want to move forward. It’s going to take some work especially as a new mom. I’m having a tough time juggling work, family, and time for me. I know there is a healthy balance somewhere. I just have to find it.

My father told me when I went through my divorce, not to rush things when you’re in a state of transition. When going through something painful like divorce, he said it’s best not to make any big decisions because you aren’t really in a proper frame of mind to make WISE decisions. Life eventually will begin to fall into place again and it will just happen.

I’m hoping it will “just happen” for me with creativity and mommyhood. It has to right?

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